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What About Me? For children when a parent has cancer
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This booklet is for your children, either for them to read alone or with you.
Read through this book yourself first to make sure you are comfortable with the language and descriptions used throughout the book. You may then want to read it together with your child/children so you can answer any questions straight away.
The book provides basic information and explores the possible feelings, fears and concerns your children may have. Children are often more resilient than we think. Open and honest and direct communication is essential for all children to support a strong understanding of what is going on and help with the changes that are coming. Each family is unique and not everything you read here will be relevant to your situation.
You may want to use this booklet as a starting point to explore issues with your child(ren) and to start answering some questions. You may also find it useful to refer to the Cancer Council resource Talking to Kids about Cancer to get some tips on how to discuss cancer with your children.