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Facing End of Life
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This booklet has been prepared to help you understand more about the issues facing people who are dying with cancer.
If you have had cancer diagnosed at a late stage, or if the treatments have stopped working and remission is no longer possible, you may be told that the cancer is end stage or terminal. Everyone copes in their own way with this news. Your reaction may depend on your age, family situation, cultural background and spiritual beliefs.
The chapters in this booklet outline how you might feel knowing you are dying, what might happen physically, and how you can prepare for death. There is also information for carers, family and friends. This may be the first time you have read about end-of-life issues. Take your time and read the introduction to each chapter first to see if it has information you want at this stage. Read what seems useful now and leave the rest until you're ready.
Cancer Council also produces the booklets Living with Advanced Cancer and Understanding Palliative Care. You may find that one of these is more useful at this time.