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Cancer in the School Community - Booklet
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Every school is a community, a network of relationships connecting students, parents, guardians and family members with teachers, principals and other school staff. When anyone in a school community is diagnosed with cancer, people usually want to help but may not be sure where to start.
Cancer in the School Community is a guide for school staff who would like to support students, families and colleagues affected by cancer. The content is relevant for all primary and secondary school staff throughout Australia. It may also be useful for parents, guardians, students and family members.
It is important to remember that each cancer experience is different, and every individual navigates it in their own way. Some people want to deal with cancer privately, others welcome all support. Some want to talk about it, others just want to blend in. How people feel about the involvement of the school community may change at different stages.
We hope this book helps you respond effectively and sensitively to the issues that cancer may raise in your school community.
If you need extra copies of this book, call Cancer Council 13 11 20. You can also download a digital version from your local Cancer Council website.