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Partners Guide to Coping with Cancer (Available PDF only)
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Being diagnosed with cancer is one of the most distressing and demanding experiences a person can face. The focus naturally falls on the person with cancer. But partners, and other family members, often suffer as much or even more distress. Fears for your partner, emotional turmoil, and increased demands can continue for some time and leave you vulnerable to the effects of stress. And just at a time when you are needed more than ever. If you are the partner of someone with cancer, this booklet is designed to help you with these challenges.
Being a partner involves being in a relationship, and there are issues that involve you both. This book is designed to share together; to help understand each other's feelings and reactions, and to work together to protect and strengthen your relationship.
Not every topic in this booklet will relate to everyone. There may be too much information to take in all at once. It may not contain all the information you need but can point you in the direction of other resources. It can be reassuring that many other people have faced similar feelings and issues. Their experiences can give you ideas to help you find your way through change and new demands. What worked for them may help you to support your partner, look after yourself, and work together to maintain your relationship.